With Bujagali Falls in the background, my eyes were first drawn to a guy floating with nothing but a plastic jerry can in the rapids, which apparently have attracted thousands of rafters from all over the world.
Jinja, the second commercial center in Uganda, houses the famous“Source of the Nile” as well as a world-class spot for kayaking and water rafting. In reality, though, “Source of the Nile” doesn’t quite live up to its reputation as there is really not much to see after the Owen Falls Dam was built. On the other hand, the location of Bujagali Falls is extremely scenic and a popular weekend-picnic site among locals along with international rafters.
Bujagali Falls is basically made up of a series of rapids, the guy on the plastic jerry can was just trying to make a living by throwing himself into the rapids for a fee,5000 Shillings( three US dollars). However, the news revealed the possibility of constructing a hydroelectric facility in Bujagali Falls last summer.
To be continued...